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    Współpraca pomiędzy JST a organizacjami pozarządowymi. Prezentacja dobrych praktyk

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    For many municipalities self-financing and realization of socially useful activities are an important problem, which is reflected in both the quantity and quality tasks of public benefit. Therefore, to these tasks can be implemented effectively, it becomes necessary cooperation between public administration and private partners including, in particular with non-governmental organi¬zations. Polish legislation provides several possibilities of such cooperation. The most important of them is financial cooperation. The aim of the article is to point to the possibility of cross-sectoral cooperation, which can be taken by the local government administration with NGOs and other entities active in the field of public benefit. Indicates the principles of creation and implementation of the annual program of cooperation oflocal government units and NGOs as well as the rules they should be respected by cooperation partners. Practical solutions are presented on the example of the metropolitan city Szczecin